You may also need to change from full-screen to windowed-mode.
To do so, press Alt+Enter on your keyboard.
(Pressing Alt+Enteragain will change back to full-screen).
A restart of game may be needed.
First release for public testing was posted by Vision | Darrell on 2021-01-28
Below you will find several variants as what work for some did not work for others or in some case introduced other issues.
So you gotta expect some trial and error.
This is also the reason that no one fix could be included as patch, yet atleast.
In the following lists you should start with the C# packages (A and B packages started as closed beta-testing packages and slowly improved or branched off of - ending up with what work best for most, which then was released for public testing - that is the C-package.
The is the main package of files (including an alchemy_local.ini and a pirates_local.ini)
C2 and C3 are improved/adjusted pirates_local.ini, one of which CAN(not must) be used WITH(together) the main C-package IF that alone does not give good results.
Released for public testing.
Final closed Beta-testing (only intended for use if C-package did not help)
Inital closed Beta-testing (only intended for use if B or C-package did not help)
Use right-click to open the option-menu
Use Ctrl + A to mark all files and folders
You now have a duplicate copy of the game files to apply tests on
(DO NOT run pirateslauncher from that folder, that is why it shows to make the shortcut in the end. running the pirateslauncher will revert any modified/updated files manually places - see how below)
use right-click to open the option-menu
Now, test...
If it seems good - no need to do anything else - if not, see below.
use right-click to open the option-menu