Say hello to Vulcan’s Caldera! This towering inferno is the newest addition to our family of watery battlefields. Once a towering island, the shifting magma below the surface collapsed the central mass, plunging it under water. The basin left by this collapse gave birth to a new volcano, as the magma sought a way to escape to the surface. The result is a deadly ring surrounding a towering inferno, worthy to be named for the Roman god of fire.
The Defenders hold the inner space of this ring, while the Attackers must come in from the outer ring to reach their targets. The wind favors the defenders when it comes from the Northeast, but when the wind is in the West, the attackers have the upper hand.
Wind: NorthNorthEast. Attacker's Wind: West Default defender door: Rectangle. Default attacker door: Closed handle. Secondary attacker door: Open handle. Final attacker door: Axe.