Havana Harbor is called that because long ago, before many revisions to make it more friendly to large-scale ship battles, it was based on a map of Havana. Nowadays it bears very little resemblance to the historical harbor, but I kept the name out of nostalgia. It’s 10km across east-to-west, but much of that space is taken up by the rocky islands that clutter the map.
The primary feature of this map is the narrow channels near the fort, in the center of the map. Attackers arriving at positions 1 and 2 are funneled into these small areas, where there’s little room to maneuver. The eastern approach at position 3 is more open and accessible, and avoids the guns of the fortress, but is a longer route overall, giving defenders more time to prepare for the attack.
Defender position is largely irrelevant in Havana Harbor, because of the restricted avenues of approach. If the defenders are certain the attackers will come through the channel, they can quickly form up a defensive line at position 1 or 2, but even if all the attackers come from the east, the defenders can still move to intercept them easily.
By default, the wind blows from the northeast. If the defenders gain the wind advantage contention benefit, the wind shifts to blowing from the northwest.
Wind: NorthNorthEast Attacker's Wind: West Default defender door: Rectangle. Default attacker door: Closed handle. Secondary attacker door: Axe Final attacker door: Open Handle.